£5M Funding and More MADness for Brass Bands… The West Midlands Brass Bands Association invites bands to attend this ‘More MADness for Brass Bands…’ funding presentation. It will be a practical, interactive, presentation from Terry Luddington, BFBB Liaison Officer, who will be giving the very latest funding information for Brass Bands. The presentation is not only for WMBBA and BFBB members; it is open to representatives of any band to come along and find out what funding opportunities are available to help their band purchase instruments/equipment, commission music, put on special events (e.g. for Queens Diamond Jubilee) and much more. It will be of particular interest to officers, committee members, and anyone who has responsibility for raising funds in brass bands. It is also an opportunity to ask Terry all those questions that arise when your band is discussing fund raising and its many aspects. The Presentation will take place at: Studley High School, Crooks Lane, Studley, Warwickshire B80 7QX 10.30 a.m. – 12.30 p.m. There will be no charge to attendees. Tea and coffee will be available upon arrival from 10.00 a.m. To reserve your place/s, please contact the WMBBA General Secretary as soon as possible either via this site, or by calling 02476 442701 Please be sure to include the name of your band in any communication and the names of all representatives wishing to attend. WMBBA acknowledges the support of the British Federation of Brass Bands in putting on this event to assist bands wishing to seek funding